Seasonal Confusion

Well, here we are…we made it to the end of January! I’m sure that I’m not alone when I say that January seems to just go on for ever and ever. As always, at this time of year, there is little joy in the weather and for the majority of the time there is little chance to be out in the garden or doing outside chores. Walks with Maggie are a daily pleasure, even in the pouring rain and winds that take your breath away, and she is happy any time that she can sniff around in the grass and be on the endless search for a snack…typical labrador!

To say that it has been mild would be an understatement, the result being that things are starting to wake in the hedgerows and gardens. The birds are singing as if it is spring and it is almost impossible to keep up with feeding them.

DSCN5779This robin is more than happy to sit under the feeder and get it’s fill on the seeds that drop.

DSCN5765One of my greatest joys is the arrival of the first daffodils…they are so cheering and even when the skies are heavy and grey, they can gladden the heart and soul. I have a good mix in the garden so I am assured of them for a few months. Another favourite has to be the primroses, of which I have loads…they just self-seed and pop up in the most unusual places.

DSCN5787Another self-seeder and equally as lovely are the cowslips. These are much earlier than normal. It’s all ‘wrong’!

DSCN5786With virtually no frosts this winter things haven’t died back and I have still got geraniums, petunias and lobelia in flower. Honestly, these are flowers associated with summer! What is going on? And roses too.



DSCN5782Almost overlooked but such a pretty wild flower, the celandines are starting to cover the grass verges and banks, along with sweet violets. So, there is much to enjoy in this quiet, dull season, even if Nature is all very confused! I wonder if it is just a very mild winter or is it the effects of climate change? What is it like in your part of the world?

A Bientot!



About Al in France

Dreams do come true and I am now retired and living with Maggie, my chocolate labrador, in France in the Deux-Sevres. I love travel and photography and hope to combine both interests here to make a record for myself, and somewhere where I hope you will get to enjoy a part of my life in this region, in France and further afield when I get the opportunity. Please feel free to follow and comment. A Bientot!
This entry was posted in Flowers, Garden, Nature, Seasons, Weather. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Seasonal Confusion

  1. margaret21 says:

    Yup. Confusing seasons here too. And you have daffodils! Where we lived in France, they of course grew wild in the mountains, but they were a bit of a rarity as a garden flower, or as an offering in the markets (and then they were sold fully open – *sigh*). And cowslips out already? That’s mad!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Al in France says:

    Oh it’s mad alright! Where I am daffs grow so easily and thankfully I have a garden full of them 🙂


  3. captured moments says:



  4. Was those dew drops on the petals? Beautifully captured!


  5. Were those dew drops on the petals?
    Beautifully captured!


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