Closed today!

It hasn’t been the brightest of days…low cloud, the threat of rain, unseasonally cool but certainly not cold as it is still 20c. I had to get some provisions, so whilst out and about I stopped off in a small village called Saint-Lizier. The same story as everywhere; closed today (and for the immediate future). No matter, it didn’t stop me having a good wander around the ancient streets and lanes. There is evidence of it being occupied for over 2,000 yrs. The first view of it from the road is impressive. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a photo, so I’ve pinched one from Wikipedia to give you an idea.

Saint-Lizier_-_panoramio_(2)I would have loved a sunny day like this!

The two dominating structures are the Cathedral of Saint-Lizier and the huge Bishop’s Palace. The Cathedral was built about 900 yrs ago and has a beautiful octagonal tower built of bricks. There are supposed to be some beautiful 11th century frecoes, but ‘Closed, Today’.



There is a lovely little Romanesque cloister, which was open 🙂


Let’s take a stroll around the village and see the Bishop’s Palace as well.




DSCN5990I came upon this rather crumbling but quaint former B & B…..lovely door but I won’t be staying here!

DSCN5994The Bishop’s Palace.


As I said, the weather wasn’t playing the game, so the views were not as impressive as they would have been if it had been clear, but still very nice I’m sure you’ll agree.


On the way back home we stopped off at the ‘voie verte’, a ‘green’ pathway that runs from Saint-Girons to Foix. There are loads of these all over France and a lot are old railway lines. They are for walkers, cyclists and are totally car-free, perfect for a walk in nature. A good few hours walk was just what Maggie needed. I guess I needed it too as I seem to be eating rather well….It must be the fresh air and being outdoors.



DSCN6032Back home, dinner cooked and a certain little lady is knackered!

I wonder where we’ll get to next?

A Bientot!




About Al in France

Dreams do come true and I am now retired and living with Maggie, my chocolate labrador, in France in the Deux-Sevres. I love travel and photography and hope to combine both interests here to make a record for myself, and somewhere where I hope you will get to enjoy a part of my life in this region, in France and further afield when I get the opportunity. Please feel free to follow and comment. A Bientot!
This entry was posted in History, Maggie, Nature, Podding, Pyrénées. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Closed today!

  1. margaret21 says:

    You should have kept right on walking. We lived by that same voie verte as it continued through Foix, then Lavelanet, then reached us. Tourism’s proving rather tricky just now, isn’t it? Even with a small ‘t’. But Maggie is keeping you exploring – excellent!


    • Al in France says:

      Wow! If you were here I’d have called in for a cuppa or something stronger to help me on my way 🙂 Tourism IS going to struggle for a bit but I am very hopeful it will bounce back once travellers become more confident about going out. Brits will make a difference for sure when they can get to France without having to quarantine.

      Liked by 1 person

      • margaret21 says:

        Ariege has never been Tourist Central, which may help it this year when everyone’s looking for that all-important Social Distance. Enjoy the rest of your time there!


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